Apex Card™ Services Announces MonstaCard™ and MonstaPay™ Point of Sale For Vendors

According to numerous experts, the major credit card networks DO NOT allow merchants to use their cards for cannabis purchases. They do not even have a merchant code for such purposes, and they will shut down any account they find out of compliance with this policy. However because of our unique processing and KYC, AML relationships, MonstaPay™ POS and The Apex Branded MonstaCard™ Membership Card Program, we have solved this problem and will be onboarding thousands of dispensaries for hemp and CBD related products in states in which it is legal**    

 15%-30% OFF All Products Online* In Store and by The Web Purchases in Over 6,500 Authorized Dispensaries. Purchase Anything Hemp or Marijuana Related and Get MONSTA Rewards.

*Subject to legally approved states and license status availability  

 with Apex NFT Card Services™ You are within minutes of increasing your profits and customer retention by allowing them to pay you with Domestic Funds or even Cryptocurrency. It’s simple. We give you your funds in your local currency direct to your account within 24 Hours.. Guaranteed!*

Point of Sale System FOR DISPENSARIES
Front Desk


Attention Dispensaries! Feel like you're being shunned and treated poorly because of your products? Well...Your Are!  

With Apex Card Services™ MonstaPay™ Point Of Sale Integration is the Answer to The Universal Question...
"Why Can't I Get (Banked) like everyone else?"

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